Invest in consumer loans and earn stable extra income

Investing via MONEYZEN is convenient and easy. You can get started for as little as 20 € – set up your investment strategy, spread your risks and start earning a steady stream of extra income that you can immediately reinvest through compound interest. The average interest rate on loans issued today is 19%, which is generally higher than other asset classes.

Loans issued
Principal returned
Interest earned by investors

Why invest through MONEYZEN?

  • Start investing with just 20 €
  • Set the interest rate and risk level you want
  • Start earning steady extra income from the next month onwards
  • No service fees

Set your investment goal

When investing, it’s important to set a goal – what you are investing for.

For example, you want to save for retirement or to support your children’s education, buy a bigger home or increase your annual income.

Set up a long-term strategy and don’t be discouraged by short-term market fluctuations.

24 €
50 € 5000 €
24 months
1 month 48 months
10 %
5 % 25 %
Expected Income:

Choose your investment strategy

Very low risk
Low risk
Medium risk
High risk
Very high risk

Right from the start, you can set the terms and conditions suitable for you, and decide what risk level of consumer loans and interest rate you want to participate in – whether you only include lower-risk loans in your portfolio and earn a slightly lower return, invest in higher-risk loans, or both. This way, you can be sure that your investment strategy meets your expectations and you can start earning passive income from the next month.

MONEYZEN makes investing simple and convenient

You can start investing from as little as 20 €. When investing in loans, we recommend spreading the risk – not investing all your money in a single loan, but for example in small amounts in loans with different risk levels over several months. In this way, you can spread the risk both across investments and over time. You can change the investment strategy you choose at any time to suit your needs.

From there, everything is automatic. The repayments of the loans issued will be credited directly to your MONEYZEN virtual account, from where you can withdraw them to your bank account at any time.

Our clients about us

The financial service is provided by Moneyzen OÜ. Investing involves the risk of losing money. Check the terms of use at and read the investment guide. If necessary, consult a professional. MONEYZEN has the right to reimburse the principal amount of loans declared non-performing at the expense of ZenFund.