As an active MONEYZEN investor, you have the opportunity to increase your returns simply by recommending. By inviting your friends and acquaintances to invest with a personal referral code, both the referrer and the subscriber can earn a bonus for actively investing.

The referrer

The subscriber

Small steps

1. Soovitusprogramm

MONEYZEN platvormil registreerunud investoritel on võimalik teenida cashbackboonust, kutsudes platvormile uusi liitujaid. Boonuse saamiseks tuleb jagada võimaliku uue investoriga oma isiklikku soovituskoodi (MZ-koodi). Kood on leitav enda platvormi ülaosast. Iga uue investori eest, kes esitab registreerimisprotsessi käigus sinu koodi, maksatakse sulle ja uuele investorile 20€ boonust. Boonuse eelduseks on, et uus kasutaja investeerib vähemalt 50€ esimese 30 päeva jooksul alates oma konto aktiveerimisest.

2. Soovitusprogrammiga liitumine

Soovitusprogrammiga liitumiseks tuleb registreerida end MONEYZEN platvormil investoriks ja seejärel jagada oma isiklikku soovituskoodi (MZ-koodi), vastavalt punktis 3 kirjeldatule

3. Boonuste teenimine

Boonust saab teenida nii koodi omanik, kui ka uus investor.

Boonuse teenimiseks peab investor jagama oma personaalset koodi ning uus investor täitma järgnevad kriteeriumid:

  • Koodi kasutades registreerima end MONEYZENi platvormi kasutajaks.
  • Koostama ja kinnitama aktiivse investeerimisstrateegia
  • Investeerima minimaalselt 50€

Soovituskoodi jagaval investoril peab boonuse saamiseks olema loodud investeerimisstrateegia.

Kriteeriumite täitmisel väljastatakse boonus mõlemale osapoolele hiljemalt 1 tööpäeva jooksul.

4. Väljamaksmise tingimused

Kõik soovitusboonused lisatakse sinu kontole automaatselt. Kogutud boonus tuleb minimaalselt ühe korra investeerida läbi MONEYZENi platvormi. Peale esimese investeeringu tegemist on investoril õigus boonuse väärtus kanda portaalist välja enda pangakontole.

5. Hoiatus

Selle programmiga seotud soodustused ja boonused võivad muutuda ning MONEYZEN jätab endale õiguse igal ajal ilma ette teatamata programmi muuta või selle lõpetada. Programmis osalemise õigus ja samuti boonused sõltuvad konkreetsetest tingimustest ning ainult MONEYZENil on õigus otsustada, kas need tingimused on täidetud.

Soovitusprogrammis osaledes nõustud nende tingimustega ja mõistad, et selle programmi tingimused ei ole ammendavad. Muud tingimused, mis reguleerivad MONEYZEN platvormi ja teenuste kasutamist, on kättesaadavad meie kodulehel.

6. Eritingimused 

Programmi tingimused kehtivad ainult eraisikule. Juriidilisest isikust investoritele soovitusprogrammi soodustused ja boonused ei laiene. 



Liitu MONEYZENi uudiskirjaga, et olla kursis viimaste uudiste ja värske infoga rahatarkuse teemadel.

Kinnitame, et kaitseme uudiskirjaga liitunute isikuandmeid ega levita neid kolmandatele osapooltele.

1. The Referral Program

Investors registered on the MONEYZEN platform can earn a cashback bonus by inviting new members to the platform. In order to receive the bonus, you need to share your personal referral code (MZ code) with a potential new investor. The code can be found at the top of your own platform. For every new investor who submits your code during the registration process, you and the new investor will receive a 20 € bonus. The bonus is conditional on the new user investing at least 50 € within the first 30 days of activating their account.

2. Joining the Referral Program

In order to join the Referral Program, you need to register as an investor on the MONEYZEN platform and then share your personal referral code (MZ code) as described in section 3.

3. Earning bonuses

Both the code holder and the new investor can earn a bonus.

In order to earn the bonus, the investor must share his/her personal code and the new investor must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Register as a user of the MONEYZEN platform using the code.
  • Create and validate an active investment strategy.
  • Invest a minimum of 50 €
  • To receive the bonus, the investor sharing the referral code must have an investment strategy in place.

If the criteria are met, the bonus will be issued to both parties within 1 working day at the latest.

4. Payment conditions

All referral bonuses are automatically added to your account. The accumulated bonus must be invested at least once through the MONEYZEN platform. After the first investment, the investor is entitled to withdraw the bonus value from the portal to his/her bank account.

5. Warning

The rewards and bonuses associated with this program are subject to change and MONEYZEN reserves the right to modify or terminate the program at any time without prior notice. Eligibility to participate in the Program, as well as the bonuses, are subject to specific conditions and MONEYZEN has sole discretion to determine whether these conditions are met.

By participating in the Referral Program, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and understand that the terms and conditions of this Program are not exhaustive. Other terms and conditions governing the use of the MONEYZEN Platform and Services are available on our website.

6. Special conditions

The terms and conditions of the Program apply to private individuals only. Investors who are legal entities are excluded from the benefits and bonuses of the referral program.


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